Catalina Renjifo - Mum, 2015 Found shelves, bedsheets, newspaper, coffee, clay, starch, cork, glue, bread, hair
Mum, 2015 Found shelves, bedsheets, newspaper, coffee, clay, starch, cork, glue, bread, hair

Mum, 2015

Found shelves, bedsheets, newspaper, coffee, clay, starch, cork, glue, bread, hair


Sometimes artworks are a playful combination of elements I have been experimenting with. There is something about collections which allow objects to converse and the particular scale of objects that allows this to happen. 

Communication is punctuated by silences, silences are punctuated by absence. When there are no letters, no words, no phrases, the vehicles for words become stiffened, starched, soiled and entombed, silent. Whereas an open envelope embodies the unsaid, a closed envelope is mum, smelling of coffee, daily bread and news. It offers no comfort.


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